Homeopathy is, like acupuncture, an energy medicine. As the acupuncture meridians work energetically, so do the potencised remedies in homeopathy. The potency of a homeopathic remedy is diluted so much that the substance in the remedy works in an energetic way.

Restore physical and mental balance
As an individualized energy medicine homeopathy works on many levels to bring a human being back to a state of balance. Lower potencies and cell salts can balance nutrient deficiencies, help with detox, optimize organ functions and can be used for first aid. Higher potencies work on more levels, not only on physical levels, but also on psychological levels, addressing body mind and emotions.
Classical Homeopathy is the most individualized approach that takes into account every possible information of the whole person to determine the constitutional remedy. If the right constitutional remedy is found, it can strengthen the vital force and can solve a multitude of health problems at once.