Dr. Ute is licensed as a Dr of TCM (DTCM) with the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners & Acupuncturists (CTCMA) of BC, she is a registered Acupuncturist and TCM herbalist practicing acupuncture and herbs. Besides having completed extensive training in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), acupuncture and Chinese herbs, Ute has gone through intense training in homeopathy (Homeopathic Master clinician program HMC), naturopathy and Ayurvedic medicine. She is proficient in Western herbal medicine and is registered with the CHA (Canadian herbalist association) as RHT (Registered Herbal Therapist) and she is a homeopath (HMC).
Dr. Ute has been teaching the TCM program at CCST (Canadian College of Shiatsu Therapy) and is currently on the faculty of VCC (Vancouver Career College) TCM program teaching various classes in the acupuncture/herb program as well as supervising acupuncture and herbal student clinics. Ute holds a PhD in science and she is also fluent in German and French.
Having been a scientist Ute has a thorough approach in analyzing her client’s health history and problems with the goal to treat the root cause. With her wide umbrella of experience in different natural healing disciplines she can supplement TCM treatments with help from other natural and wellness approaches. As a scientist she also likes to follow up with current research and new findings in natural medicine in general, herbs and nutrition and integrates it with the wisdom of ancient Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Ute is a resident of Vancouver’s Northshore since 2002 and has two daughters. Besides enjoying being a lifelong learner and researcher of natural ways to improve the health and quality of life for her clients, she enjoys spending time in Vancouver’s beautiful nature, swimming and yoga.